
Desertification is not just about deserts. It’s round the corner and impacting us!

Water and cities

This is how cities can reduce emissions by as much as 84% with waste-reduction solutions

Climate change in your backyard

Q&A: How COP26’s UN High-Level Champion for Climate Change sees the world’s climate progress so far

Future of cities

UN HABITAT has released its comprehensive and interesting World Cities Report for 2022. This year, the report’s theme is “Envisaging the Future of Cities” Download a copy or read it online:

Sustainability inducements

A Japanese cosmetics company has developed a “shampoo bar” as a replacement for liquid shampoo. In the process, they reduced water use by more than 95% during manufacturing. It also comes with paper-only packaging. Smaller size also means lesser transport costs per unit. Just an example of the key role of R&D in the private…

Food is not food

In 2030, only 29% of the global harvests of 10 major crops may be directly consumed as food, down from about 51% in the 1960s. Test goes to meat production, biofuels etc.

Sustainability and Tourism

What is Responsible Tourism And Why Is It Important?